• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal-implant associated bacterial infections are a major clinical problem due to antibiotic treatment failure. As an alternative, we determined the effects of bacteriophage ISP on clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in various stages of its life cycle in relation to biofilm formation and maturation. ISP effectively eliminated all planktonic phase bacteria, whereas its efficacy was reduced against bacteria attached to the metal implant and bacteria embedded within biofilms. The biofilm architecture hampered the bactericidal effects of ISP, as mechanical disruption of biofilms improved the efficacy of ISP against the bacteria. Phages penetrated the biofilm and interacted with the bacteria throughout the biofilm. However, most of the biofilm-embedded bacteria were phage-tolerant. In agreement, bacteria dispersed from mature biofilms of all clinical isolates, except for LUH15394, tolerated the lytic activity of ISP. Lastly, persisters within mature biofilms tolerated ISP and proliferated in its presence. Based on these findings, we conclude that ISP eliminates planktonic phase Staphylococcus aureus while its efficacy is limited against bacteria attached to the metal implant, embedded within (persister-enriched) biofilms, and dispersed from biofilms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cooling towers containing Legionella spp are a high-risk source of Legionnaires\' disease outbreaks. Manually locating cooling towers from aerial imagery during outbreak investigations requires expertise, is labour intensive, and can be prone to errors. We aimed to train a deep learning computer vision model to automatically detect cooling towers that are aerially visible.
    METHODS: Between Jan 1 and 31, 2021, we extracted satellite view images of Philadelphia (PN, USA) and New York state (NY, USA) from Google Maps and annotated cooling towers to create training datasets. We augmented training data with synthetic data and model-assisted labelling of additional cities. Using 2051 images containing 7292 cooling towers, we trained a two-stage model using YOLOv5, a model that detects objects in images, and EfficientNet-b5, a model that classifies images. We assessed the primary outcomes of sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) of the model against manual labelling on test datasets of 548 images, including from two cities not seen in training (Boston [MA, USA] and Athens [GA, USA]). We compared the search speed of the model with that of manual searching by four epidemiologists.
    RESULTS: The model identified visible cooling towers with 95·1% sensitivity (95% CI 94·0-96·1) and a PPV of 90·1% (95% CI 90·0-90·2) in New York City and Philadelphia. In Boston, sensitivity was 91·6% (89·2-93·7) and PPV was 80·8% (80·5-81·2). In Athens, sensitivity was 86·9% (75·8-94·2) and PPV was 85·5% (84·2-86·7). For an area of New York City encompassing 45 blocks (0·26 square miles), the model searched more than 600 times faster (7·6 s; 351 potential cooling towers identified) than did human investigators (mean 83·75 min [SD 29·5]; mean 310·8 cooling towers [42·2]).
    CONCLUSIONS: The model could be used to accelerate investigation and source control during outbreaks of Legionnaires\' disease through the identification of cooling towers from aerial imagery, potentially preventing additional disease spread. The model has already been used by public health teams for outbreak investigations and to initialise cooling tower registries, which are considered best practice for preventing and responding to outbreaks of Legionnaires\' disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endolysins, peptidoglycan hydrolases derived from bacteriophages (phages), are being developed as a promising alternative to conventional antibiotics. To obtain highly active endolysins, a diverse library of these endolysins is vital. We propose here microbial single-cell genome sequencing as an efficient tool to discover dozens of previously unknown endolysins, owing to its culture-independent sequencing method. As a proof of concept, we analyzed and recovered endolysin genes within prophage regions of Staphylococcus single-amplified genomes in human skin microbiome samples. We constructed a library of chimeric endolysins by shuffling domains of the natural endolysins and performed high-throughput screening against Staphylococcus aureus. One of the lead endolysins, bbst1027, exhibited desirable antimicrobial properties, such as rapid bactericidal activity, no detectable resistance development, and in vivo efficacy. We foresee that this endolysin discovery pipeline is in principle applicable to any bacterial target and boost the development of novel antimicrobial agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a critical global health challenge. However, the significance of AMR is not limited to humans and domestic animals but extends to wildlife and the environment. Based on the analysis of more than 200 peer-reviewed papers, this review provides comprehensive and current insights into the detection of clinically significant antimicrobial resistant bacteria and resistance genes in wild mammals, birds and reptiles worldwide. The review also examines the overlooked roles of wildlife in AMR emergence and transmission. In wildlife, AMR is potentially driven by anthropogenic activity, agricultural and environmental factors, as well as natural evolution. This review highlights the significance of AMR surveillance in wildlife, identifies species and geographic foci and gaps, and finally demonstrates the value of multifaceted One Health strategies if we are to curtail further escalation of AMR globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is an opportunistic pathogen that can intrude into the blood-brain barrier and reside in the brain only with low inflammatory reaction. When infected with HIV, the immune system becomes severely compromised and leads to the reactivation of latent toxoplasmosis infection, which can mimic the clinical manifestation of stroke. We report a case of a 65-year-old female patient who presented with sudden right limb weakness, walking difficulty, and numbness without other typical symptoms, raising suspicion of acute ischemic stroke. The HIV serology returned positive, which expedited the diagnostic workup for opportunistic infection. Combining imageological examination and metagenomics next-generation sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid, HIV-associated cerebral toxoplasmosis was confirmed. The patient underwent treatment for toxoplasmosis and HIV. Six months after onset, the patient can walk independently but still exhibits weakness in the right upper limb. In HIV-infected patients, cerebral toxoplasmosis, particularly presenting as isolated stroke-like episodes, poses a more significant challenge, emphasizing the need for more thorough investigations to reduce the potential for misdiagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overuse of antibiotics in animal farming and aquaculture has led to multidrug-resistant methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MR-MSSA) becoming a common pathogen in foodborne diseases. Sophora flavescens Ait. serves as a traditional plant antibacterial agent and functional food ingredient. A total of 30 compounds (1-30) were isolated from the root bark of S. flavescens, consisting of 20 new compounds (1-20). In the biological activity assay, compound 1 demonstrated a remarkable inhibitory effect on MR-MSSA, with an MIC of 2 μg/mL. Furthermore, 1 was found to rapidly eliminate bacteria, inhibit biofilm growth, and exhibit exceptionally low cytotoxicity. Mechanistic studies have revealed that 1 possesses an enhanced membrane-targeting ability, binding to the bacterial cell membrane components phosphatidylglycerol (PG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and cardiolipin (CL). This disruption of bacterial cell membrane integrity increases intracellular reactive oxygen species, protein and DNA leakage, reduced bacterial metabolism, and ultimately bacterial death. In summary, these findings suggest that compound 1 holds promise as a lead compound against MR-MSSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) has been widely adopted in wound healing strategies due to its multimodal mechanism of action. While NPWT\'s positive impression on wound healing is well-established, its effect on bacterial load reduction remains equivocal. This study investigates NPWT\'s efficacy in reducing bioburden using an in vitro porcine skin model, focusing on the impact of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Custom-made negative pressure chambers were employed to apply varying negative pressures. Porcine skin was cut into 5 × 5 cm squares and three standardized wounds of 6 mm each were created using a biopsy punch. Then, wounds were infected with S. aureus and S. epidermidis bacterial suspensions diluted 1:10,000 to obtain a final concentration of 1.5 × 104 CFU/ml and were placed in negative pressure chambers. After incubation, bacterial counts were expressed as colony-forming units (CFU) per ml. For S. aureus at 120 hours, the median CFU, mean area per colony, and total growth area were notably lower at -80 mmHg when compared to -250 mmHg and -50 mmHg, suggesting an optimal negative pressure for the pressure-dependent inhibition of the bacterial proliferation. While analyzing S. epidermidis at 120 hours, the response to the negative pressure was similar but less clear, with the minor CFU at -100 mmHg. The influence of intermittent negative pressure on the S. epidermidis growth showed notably lower median CFU with the interval therapy every hour compared to the S. aureus control group. This study contributes valuable insights into NPWT\'s influence on the bacterial load, emphasizing the need for further research to reformulate its role in managing contaminated wounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Legionnaires\' disease is a type of severe pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. The case fatality rate in this disease is 5-10%. People with various comorbidities, smokers and the elderly are at greater risk of developing the disease.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the work is to present the results of an epidemiological investigation into the outbreak of Legionnaires\' disease that occurred in the city of Rzeszów and the surrounding area in August and September 2023 and to present the threat related to the presence of Legionella bacteria in water supply installations and networks.
    METHODS: The material for this publication was data from an epidemiological investigation conducted in the outbreak of Legionnaires disease in Rzeszów in 2023.
    RESULTS: Epidemiological investigation revealed 165 cases of Legionnaires\' disease in the outbreak, including 152 confirmed cases and 13 probable cases. The case fatality rate in a legionellosis outbreak was 15%. Environmental tests were carried out in residential and public buildings and industrial installations during the investigation. As part of environmental tests, 187 water samples were collected, including 87 warm water samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The outbreak of Legionnaires\' disease in the city of Rzeszów draws attention to the potential threat from the Legionella bacteria to the health and life of especially elderly people suffering from chronic diseases. The environmental tests carried out confirmed the highest number of Legionella bacteria at medium and high levels in water samples taken in the private apartments of sick people. Despite the lack of strict legal regulations clearly specifying the obligations regarding periodic disinfection of internal hot water supply installations, cooperation with their owners should be undertaken to enforce plans and actions in this area.
    UNASSIGNED: Choroba legionistów jest typem ciężkiego zapalenia płuc wywołanego przez bakterie Legionella. Śmiertelność w tej chorobie wynosi 5-10%. Na większe ryzyko zachorowania narażone są osoby z różnymi chorobami współistniejącymi, osoby palące i osoby w starszym wieku.
    UNASSIGNED: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wyników dochodzenia epidemiologicznego w ognisku choroby legionistów które wystąpiło na terenie miasta Rzeszowa i okolic w sierpniu i wrześniu 2023 roku oraz przedstawienie zagrożenia związanego z obecnością bakterii Legionella w instalacjach i sieciach wodociągowych.
    UNASSIGNED: Materiałem do niniejszej publikacji były dane z dochodzenia epidemiologicznego prowadzonego w ognisku choroby legionistów w Rzeszowie w 2023 roku.
    UNASSIGNED: Dochodzenie epidemiologiczne ujawniło 165 przypadków choroby legionistów w ognisku, w tym 152 przypadki potwierdzone oraz 13 przypadków prawdopodobnych. Śmiertelność w ognisku legionelozy wynosiła 15%. W toku prowadzonego dochodzenia prowadzono badania środowiskowe w budynkach mieszkalnych i użyteczności publicznej oraz instalacjach przemysłowych. W ramach badań środowiskowych pobrano 187 próbek wody, w tym 87 próbek wody ciepłej.
    UNASSIGNED: Ognisko choroby legionistów na terenie miasta Rzeszowa zwraca uwagę na potencjalne zagrożenie z strony bakterii Legionella dla zdrowia i życia szczególnie osób starszych cierpiących na choroby przewlekłe. Przeprowadzone badania środowiskowe potwierdziły najwyższą liczbę bakterii Legionella na poziomie średnim i wysokim w próbkach wody pobranych w mieszkaniach prywatnych osób chorych. Pomimo braku ścisłych uregulowań prawnych wskazujących wprost na obowiązki dotyczące okresowej dezynfekcji wewnętrznych instalacji zaopatrzenia w wodę ciepłą, należy podjąć współpracę z ich właścicielami w celu wyegzekwowania planów i działań w tym zakresie.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus forms biofilms consisting of cells embedded in a matrix made of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and extracellular DNA (eDNA). Biofilm-associated infections are difficult to treat and can promote antibiotic resistance, resulting in negative healthcare outcomes. eDNA within the matrix contributes to the stability, growth, and immune-evasive properties of S. aureus biofilms. eDNA is released by autolysis, which is mediated by murein hydrolases that access the cell wall via membrane pores formed by holin-like proteins. The eDNA content of S. aureus biofilms varies among individual strains and is influenced by environmental conditions, including the presence of antibiotics. eDNA plays an important role in biofilm development and structure by acting as an electrostatic net that facilitates protein-cell and cell-cell interactions. Because of eDNA\'s structural importance in biofilms and its ubiquitous presence among S. aureus isolates, it is a potential target for therapeutics. Treatment of biofilms with DNase can eradicate or drastically reduce them in size. Additionally, antibodies that target DNABII proteins, which bind to and stabilize eDNA, can also disperse biofilms. This review discusses the recent literature on the release, structure, and function of eDNA in S. aureus biofilms, in addition to a discussion of potential avenues for targeting eDNA for biofilm eradication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin diseases that seriously affects life quality of the patients. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) colonization on the skin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD; however, the mechanism of how it modulates skin immunity to exacerbate AD remains unclear. MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs that act as post-transcriptional regulators of genes. They are involved in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory skin diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we established miRNA expression profiles for keratinocytes stimulated with heat-killed S. aureus (HKSA). The expression of miR-939 in atopic dermatitis patients was analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). miR-939 mimic was transfected to human primary keratinocyte to investigate its impact on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase genes (MMPs) in vitro. Subsequently, miR-939, along with Polyplus transfection reagent, was administered to MC903-induced atopic dermatitis skin to assess its function in vivo.
    UNASSIGNED: MiR-939 was highly upregulated in HKSA-stimulated keratinocytes and AD lesions. In vitro studies revealed that miR-939 increased the expression of matrix metalloproteinase genes, including MMP1, MMP3, and MMP9, as well as the cell adhesion molecule ICAM1 in human primary keratinocytes. In vivo studies indicated that miR-939 increased the expression of matrix metalloproteinases to promote the colonization of S. aureus and exacerbated S. aureus-induced AD-like skin inflammation.
    UNASSIGNED: Our work reveals miR-939 is an important regulator of skin inflammation in AD that could be used as a potential therapeutic target for AD.





